Friday, May 10, 2013

Picture Friday: B roll

I skipped picture friday last week because we were on our Staff and Family retreat!! Every few years, Pastor Pete takes the staff and their families away for lots of fun bonding time - and we had a blast! Noelle was exhausted and we made lots of fun memories that we will treasure for years to come.

I wanted to mix up picture friday this week. You guys always see the best of the best...the cream of the crop if you will. But Noelle isn't perfect. Each photo isn't perfect either. And sometimes you get the duds. But I love ALL the pictures of her (I know, I am biased).

Anyway, I thought I would give you all a glimpse into reality :) They are mixed up and from all different times!

this looks like a "duhhh" face!

She most definitely was swinging here and just letting out long "ahhhhhhhhhhs"

I call this little old granny face

First attempt at cereal - DISLIKE!

I HATE Thanksgiving!

 ~use boston accent~ Uhhh, Ma? What do ya want me to do wit dis bread? 

I'm not sure what's going on here. But the crazy hair and multiple chins is a nice touch.

Yawn part 1

Yawn part 2.

Noelle during her meditation time?! Or maybe she is pulling what we call an "Aunt Susie" and can't keep her eyes open for a photo no matter how hard she tries.

Do I have any boogers up my nose?

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