Sunday, May 12, 2013

Dear Mom...

Dear Mom,

I always knew you loved me. I always knew you would do anything for me. I always knew you would be there for me in every and any way you could.

But I never knew the depth of your love. I never knew the extremes you would go to in order to make sure I had what I needed (not what I wanted necessarily) to thrive and grow. I never knew just how far you would go to be by my side whenever I needed you most.

Now, I know.

I know what it means to have a piece of your heart living, breathing, walking and talking OUTSIDE of your body. I know just how much I can sacrifice myself for the well being of someone so small and dependent. And I know that you wouldn't take back one day, one hour, one minute, or one second of the time you spent sacrificing for Meagan and me.

I only have a start to understanding it all, but even just with my toes in the water, I have a glimpse of what this thing called motherhood is all about. I know that it is going to flash before my eyes, just as it flashed before yours. I am so grateful for  Noelle, and I am determined to treasure her for the priceless gift from God that she truly is.

If you're a mom, you know all of this. If you aren't a mom but you want to be someday, get ready for the most amazing experience of your life. If you have a mom or have a wife who is a mom, hug her extra tight today and know that she loves you and/or your kids more than you will likely ever know.

Happy Mother's Day!!

Who do we love? MOM! Oldie but a goodie.

She was so excited to get rid of me :)

Almost twins...26 years apart

The best part of being a mom...the chance to be a grandma

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