Monday, May 27, 2013

Blink and it's a Year!

I will post separately about Noelle's birthday party and the celebration of her turning one, but here's the nitty gritty and probably the last "monthly" post you will see on this little bundle of joy!

Favorite Food: She still really likes almost everything. The staples and favorites seem to be - yogurt, fruit of any kind, mozzarella cheese sticks, ritz crackers, graham crackers, and chick fil a chicken :)

Favorite Toy: Books & balls at the moment! (pre-birthday presents, that is)

New Tricks: I have been trying to teach her to blow kisses, but we have not yet succeeded. She is still awfully cute though :)

Milestones: Walking!!! She is getting more and more adventurous with her new skill every day!

Surprises: Still no top teeth!  They are getting closer, but nothing poking through just yet.

Words: So last month I talked about how we thought she was trying to say "bird" turns out she has totally been saying "bird" since March, and through a survey of other moms I have come to realize that it most definitely has been her first word. I didn't know how you "counted" first word, but now I know. It was BIRD. So she says bird all the time - especially when we are outside, or anytime she hears chirping for that matter! And she also says "ball" alot. Very very cute.  She also appears to be saying something else I comes out as "doe" but I am not quite sure what the word is to her just yet. Time will tell!!

I can't wait to share with you the details of her party! And I can't wait to see how she likes her cake!

Happy birthday to my sweet baby girl :)

This is a very small preview from the party...this was AFTER everyone left and she got to play with some of her new toys :)

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