Sunday, May 12, 2013

Nifty and Sixty!

It's mother's day, but also another special day in our family.

Today my Dad turns sixty!!! That's right - the big 6-0.  There is no denying that he is a certified senior citizen now :)

Dad has always been an "under the radar" birthday kind of guy. He doesn't need a big fuss and I can only remember one or two special birthday celebrations over the years.

Mostly he just requests his meal of choice for dinner (which 9 times out of 10 will be one of Mom's Italian specialties - this year, eggplant parmesan) and we would sing happy birthday, followed by some gifts.

There are many years that his birthday lands on Mother's Day, so he shared the holiday willingly and celebrated Mom just as we celebrated him.

Dad - I wish we could be there to celebrate with you, but at least we will see you at the end of the month and celebrate Noelle's birthday together.

Thanks for sharing the spotlight today and I hope you feel really celebrated and loved. You're my favorite Dad I have ever had (wink) and I wouldn't trade you for the world. Thanks for being such a great's to the next 60 years!!

Wish I could remember what was so funny :)

Loved getting to surprise you with tickets to a UK game!

The proud grandpa :)

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