Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Sunny Afternoons in the Winter

I'm going to call this type of post more of a picture post...I know it will be highly enjoyed and I won't have to write too much!

Noelle loves to play these days, which is incredibly fun to watch. She can just play and play and play and then suddenly she sounds annoyed and you realize it is time for her to eat or nap. She has this great little foam floor pad that Bama (aka Aunt Mary Lou) got for her. It has been very helpful with having hard wood floors and all.

We had a great time one afternoon last week playing in the sunshine on the living room floor. It felt like such a breath of fresh air after so many cloudy days - and I even like cloudy days!  I decided to take advantage of the fun lighting and take some pictures. So here she is, in all her cuteness:
Yes that is some bread she is eating - it was her first bit of french bread...she highly enjoyed gnawing on it!

Look at that crazy hair!

What Mama? I'm trying to play here!

She loves to just stare at you with those big blue eyes and poke her tongue out while she makes lots of sweet baby noises. At some point I will have to tell her that hanging her tongue out like that is a little rude, but for now I've decided to try not to swoon from all the cuteness!

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