Friday, January 18, 2013


This past Sunday, Pastor Pete gave our annual vision weekend message. It was fabulous - start to finish! I encourage you to listen or watch the message on or there is a fabulous ap you can download for your Iphone/Ipod or Android devices. I highly recommend the ap since personally I rarely listen to stuff on my computer these days.

Anyway, a part of the sermon that I very much enjoyed was learning a little more about Emmitt Smith - mostly about his goals. The man had goals and dreams in his life from such an early age! And it got me thinking..."Dang, when was the last time I had some goals?!"

This will be telling of my personality, but hey - if you can't be honest on your blog, where can you be honest?

I probably tend not to set goals...because I don't want the disappointment of not reaching them. *Sigh* - what a sucky reason. But if you don't actually take the time to write out your goals they have what feels like a 100% chance of not coming to fruition at all. So to break that habit, I have to take some action.

This year - 2013 - I'm setting some stinkin' goals. Now Emmitt's ranged from major stuff, to something simple he could totally just make happen (go to Disneyland, being an example). So I'm going to follow suit!

So here goes:
  1. Lead at least 3 people to Christ this year
  2. Find full freedom in my job (whether it is staying where I am or finally moving on - it's time to DO SOMETHING about it)
  3. Finish paying off our student loan debt
  4. Take an advancing step in my serving role at church (not sure what it is yet, but I know there is always a next step!)
  5. Go to the Y at least once a week WITH Josh Watkins, and at least once a week with a lifegrouper or friend :)
  6. Learn how to do 3 new things
  7. Take at least a one night getaway with the hubs at some point
  8. Own less stuff...purge unused stuff from our home!
  9. Paint my nails at least once a month because it makes me feel pretty :) (yes, that is a GOAL as a new mom by the takes planning and effort!)
I'm stopping at 9 because it is my favorite number...who says you have to have 10 goals?!

And to inspire you all I am including a copy of Emmitt Smith's goals from his 1993-1994 season. Enjoy!!

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