Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Nap Battle

Noelle has never been a good napper. She prefers to be where the action is. Even when she was small she didn't want to nap on her own, she wanted to be snuggled up with one of us.

Well I don't know what has happened recently but we have been having full on nap battles at the Watkins household. We thought it was teething. But that second top tooth has come through now. Then we thought, maybe she only needs one nap. After just one hour and 15 minute nap in the middle of the day we had one cranky toddler in the evening who thought that at 10:30pm it was time to play again. 

Noelle is clearly winning the battles but I know Mama is going to win the war eventually. I dream of 3 hour naps in the middle of the day - and I will continue to pray for them. Until then - we will battle on!!

Below are photos from a successful 3 hour nap we had randomly a few weeks ago. Look at that glorious nap hair!

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