Thursday, July 18, 2013

Pretty Things & Kisses

Noelle is learning new things everyday it seems like. She will try to repeat different words that we say a lot. It feels like there is always a new sound or word she is mastering. We have also tried very hard to teach her how to blow kisses. Some days it goes well and some days she looks at us like we are crazy. One thing that has stuck is that if she is giving a kiss she will very often say "mah" when she does it. When she adds her hand to the mix and "blows a kiss" it is sheer cuteness.

Another thing she has learned with the help from her Daddy is the joy of making funny faces at the camera. She loves taking pictures and I actually "play cheese" with her sometimes. She says cheese and stares at the camera and has a blast.

Noelle has also learned that jewelry is fun. For my birthday I got a beautiful watch from my parents. I really like it. It is certainly more of a fashion piece and I don't use the watch to tell time. I use my phone and haven't worn a watch for years now. Someone else likes my watch too. Actually she likes everything shiny and pretty. My earrings, my rings, my necklaces...all of it. She is 100% girl, and apparently she has good taste!

Take a look for yourself at these new learnings... (pardon the nudity - it was the end of the day and sometimes that little belly is too cute to hide with a shirt!)

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