Saturday, July 13, 2013

A Glimpse into the Future

Today I went for it!

I bought those teeny tiny rubber bands and pretended that Noelle had enough hair to make pigtails.

She might have a tender head like I had, because she was slightly annoyed with me...but the end result is pure cuteness!!

I don't have a good front shot because frankly, the little piggy tails are too small to see from the front!  It was very exciting to see her with a real hair do - and before I know it I will have to do this every day, instead of doing it for a little rainy afternoon activity.

I asked Noelle when she thought I would be able to do real pig tails on her. 18 months? 2 years old?

Her response:

How should I know? This is my first time growing hair Mama!!

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