Friday, June 13, 2014

2 Year & Family Photo Shoot

I haven't gotten to post the awesome pictures that Gary took for us in honor of Noelle's 2nd birthday. She was not easy to photograph at this age, but you can't tell because G is so talented!! (

I am so glad we took these though, as Noelle changes so quickly, and honestly we are too lazy to break out the fancy camera all the time. We end up just using our iphones for most of the year, and MAYBE 3 times a year we break out the big guns. I did it much more when Noelle was small and was changing SUPER fast, but now...meh.

So I hope you enjoy these photos as much as we do. I'll try to do my usual photo commentary in the captions for extra tid-bits of what was happening in some of the photos.

She cracks me up. She was loving her new ballerina slippers from CC - and she is just obsessed with shoes lately. First thing in the morning after I get her out of the crib...Shoes?

She was probably playing on the iPad and G managed to make a noise to get her attention.

Clearly saying something, but so very cute at it!

She loves when Josh is silly with her, and just giggles her head off

This was when Josh was playing with the blower while G was taking photos. She made it into a very cute game.

Tousled blown hair look :)

These photos in the weird vine/tree are amazing...and you can see here in the bottom left corner my head. That is because I am totally holding her up in these photos. It was uncomfortable but she thought it was hilarious and therefore we got amazing photos!

Being in a tree is very fun.

Looking so grown up here!

This one looks a little mischievous!

We got these photos so quickly b/c she was starting to get antsy - but thanks to Dada making her laugh they came out fantastically!

Ugh. Love her.

When she is in the right mood, she will give you kisses OVER and OVER again!

We got to capture her just running around. She is very into shadows lately and on occasion will give her shadow a high five!

That face.

She loves to pretend she is thinking about something....

And then pretend that she thought of it and is excited! So cute! Josh taught her that game.

We managed to get a good family shot - G was so good at getting it quickly, because Noelle did not want to sit for long!

Our other family shot, after we looked for Nemo in the pond.

Noelle refused to take another family shot, so Josh and I decided to pose without her. So glad we got this one :)

Then G got this one...I love the lighting. It's my glamour shot, lol.

After our photo shoot we went to a Vietnamese restaurant and G took a few more photos while we waited for our food. The table had an awesome reflection and Noelle was full on posing for the camera sometimes.

She's just the best. I'm telling you...I am not biased!

She looks really grown up in this one...before I know it she is going to be 18.

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