Sunday, April 7, 2013

We're mostly alive...

I'm sure you all are wondering where the Picture Fridays are...what about Noelle in her Easter finery...WHERE ARE THE WATKINS?!

First of all, thanks for caring.

Second of all, Easter was fantastic and crazy because little bit had a fever and was not at all her normal self that weekend. I am going to "recreate" photos in her Easter finery because she looked so out of it! I didn't even bother to take many that day because she looked so pale and blah.

Then, just as we were recovering from all the Easter festivities, a plague struck our home.

The dreaded stomach bug... ~cue terrifying music~

The only silver lining in the very dark cloud that was over our household is that it appears that the bug has spared our precious Noelle. Josh and Abby, not so much...

My theory is that she was the carrier, and it was some strain of germ related to her fever on Easter, but didn't result in all the other yuck we have had to deal with.

The good news is the house is thoroughly disinfected, Josh and I are eating again, and the weather is nice for taking those Easter "recreation" photos sometime this week hopefully!

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