Thursday, April 11, 2013

Picture Friday is Back!

It only seems fitting to have Picture Friday back after a 2 week hiatus with pictures of Noelle in her Easter finery. Get it? I'm resurrecting Picture Friday with Easter pics ~wink, wink~

(Special thanks must go to CC & G for the snazzy outfit!)

It was a bit tricky to get photos of her...she was a little fussy and was very much taking in all the sights and sounds of being outside. It was a nice day on Tuesday, so we tried to make the most of it!


Easter again?! Can I hunt for more eggs??

On second thought,  just give me the camera...gimme, gimme!

Hey look, a clover!

But what can I do with a clover?

I know! Eat it!!!

Happy Belated Easter! Love, Noelle (the Gymboree model) & those other two Watkins...

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