Friday, April 26, 2013

Picture Friday: Bottomless pit...

Something has happened in the last week and a half.

She just keeps eating! I feel like most of my days with her are about meals and snacks. If I am eating, she wants to be eating. She must be going through some type of spurt because she certainly is not an overly chunky baby at all. Most people comment on how small she looks for her age.

On top of that, Noelle has decided she no longer enjoys baby food. She will tolerate baby oatmeal and fruit in the morning. But everything else is garbage to her. So I've been learning how to give her ALL baby-big girl meals.

Last night she had what Josh and I had...crockpot chicken, broccoli and rice. She didn't like the rice, but she loved the broccoli and chicken. She finished off her meal with some good old green grapes. She is a fruit devourer. Well...she is an EVERYTHING devourer. I am so incredibly lucky to have a kid that loves to eat almost anything I put in front of her!!

She loves eating so much, she has what I call the "food dance"! The video isn't the most enthusiastic version of the food dance, but I think you will enjoy it :)

I will feed myself my own chicken.


I am a goof at dinner...

And Mama is hilarious too!

Attempting to eat my weight in grapes...


Hold on, I gotta concentrate on eating these grapes...

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