Friday, December 30, 2016

Hello there 2017!

It's hard to believe that it is almost 2017. This year has been a full whirlwind.

A year ago this time we knew we were probably going to be moving but we didn't know when or how or any of that. Now here we are, living in Georgia and just carrying on with life.

My dearest friends are scattered far and wide across the United States. But even though I don't see them every day the way I used to, thanks to social media, phones, and text I still feel connected to them.

Noelle has grown up so much in the past year and we are so proud of the sweet little lady she is becoming. Louie is still the baby of the family but every day he becomes less and less of a baby. He keeps us on our toes and definitely makes this stage of life quite interesting.

Josh's video and animation work is growing, I've started with LimeLight and found a "job" that is just a fun addition to my life. We've gotten to spend more time with family, both our immediate and extended.

I know everyone is in an uproar about the events of 2016 and are labeling it one of the worst years ever. For some people I believe that is actually true. But by and large, I think it just depends on your perspective. And I for one am going to celebrate the changes and challenges of 2016. I think it made me stronger, more courageous, more determined, and most importantly more convinced that God is in control and I put my hope and my trust in Him.

That being said - I'm ready for the new year. It's just another day. It has no magical power. But it does feel nice to "turn a new leaf." So here are my goals for 2017. I don't make resolutions - I set goals. Those are much more motivating to me!!

1. I believe we are ready to pick our new Church and settle in there. I'm excited to see what is in store for our family as we go through that process.

2. I would LOVE to pay off our van loan. It is totally an affordable monthly expense, but I do like to get rid of debt faster than your average bear.

3. I've had a hiatus from gyms since having Louie but I miss my workouts. I think it's time to add that back into my life and I would like someone special to join me (cough)Josh(cough). I am fortunate enough that I don't work out to lose weight, but I do love to exercise and feel healthy.

4. I would love to build a small team with my business - not because I have to, but because it is genuinely enjoyable and I would love to have others to work with. I love the sense of community at LimeLight and if I can help someone start their own business it would be even more rewarding to my heart!

5. I want to have regular set aside hang out times with my mom and sister. We are all such busy people but we need to set aside the window to have focused girl time. If we don't make time for it, it won't happen.

6. I want to go on a getaway with Josh! We haven't had a getaway since just before Noelle turned 2. It is TIME!!! And I can't wait to explore a fun new place with him.

7. I want to get to Wyoming to see my best bud Rachel, and by golly I am going to ride a freaking horse for the first time. I realize how funny it is that I lived in Kentucky for 15 years and never rode a horse, but alas it happened and I am ready to check that off my bucket list.

8. I want to blog a bit more. I've had some lack of blog inspiration, but my friends who have been starting blogs recently have reminded me that I do enjoy it and just need to find the window to be creative with it!!

9. I want to have some type of regular focused girl time with Noelle for me and for Josh. Just one on one time with her is priceless in these days, and she will be so much bigger before we know it.

10. I want to be taking at least one risk a week. This is pretty vague but I am going to try to make a list of them so I can look back over it at the end of the year. I think this one will be a really fun one!!!

There you have it friends. I hope you are ready to start writing 2017 in things and that this little piece was inspiring and uplifting for your new year.  Let's do this!

Original Artwork by the Talented Josh Watkins 

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving 2016

There is so very much to be thankful for, but here are just a few I wanted to take note of this year!
In 2016 I am so thankful for...

~ The truth that despite the trying climate of our nation and world, remembering that God is the same always and forever.

~ The unconditional love I receive from both mine and Josh's family.

~ Two healthy children who love to laugh and bring us joy.

~ A faithful and sweet husband who would do anything for my happiness.

~ Friends that may be far away but that I know love me and that I can pick right back up with whenever I see them or talk to them.

~ Technology that allows me to connect with those far away friends and feel like they might just be on the other side of town.

~ The process of making new friends and finding community here in Georgia.

~ Our home and all the help we have had from family, friends, and contractors on making it feel even more and more like our "home".

~ Getting to see my nephew Milo so often.

~ My kids always reminding me to stop and just have fun every now and then (including jumping on the trampoline from time to time with the neighbors' kids too).

~ Beautiful weather that we can play outside well into November.

~ The ability to stay at home with our kids while they are small.

~ The opportunity to take a risk and try something new & fun by selling LimeLight.

~ Free babysitting :)

~ Coffee. LOTS of coffee.

~ The ability to learn new things.

~ The fact that we can avoid most commercials thanks to the services of Netflix and Hulu - Noelle reminds me of this when she has to go through the AGONY of a 30 second commercial while watching something.

~ My beautiful wonderful kitchen!

~ Dance parties with my kids.

~ Good books.

~ My health.

~ The monotony of days at home with small kids. It's really really a challenge lots of days, but I know it is just a season, and a season I will look back on with such fondness. So I will choose to be thankful for the many ups, downs, backwards and forwards of raising two small humans.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Out of My Mind Excited!


Thursday night my best bud Rachel is flying in from Wyoming. As if that wasn't enough, on Friday night and Saturday during the day we are going to a women's conference in Atlanta with some more friends.

It's like early Christmas here for me...BUT BETTER!

I have been looking forward to this for over a month and it is just what the doctor ordered. I have caught a debbie-downer cold from my kids this past week. I wanted to have a wonderful and laid back weekend, but mostly I have used it to just try and get some extra rest. It is very hard for me to rest with my small kids. All my moms with young kids or who have had young kids know what I mean.

Truth be told we are still figuring out how to have fun on the weekends with two small kids. What Josh and I love to do together (go out, have a relaxing meal, maybe explore any events/interesting shops, etc) we cannot really do with our kids. Noelle is fine and quite enjoyable actually at this age, as long as you make it fun for her and engage her in what you are doing. Louie however is impossible. He wants to touch everything and usually break something, and if he doesn't get his way he just screams. He is also a snotty teething mess, so that doesn't help. But he's super cute. I mean ridiculously cute. He just danced and clapped this morning over and over again and we were all about to lose our minds from the cuteness (Noelle included). I wish he could act that way in a restaurant, lol. You can't have it all my friends.

Enough with the challenge of trying to relax with young children - I get to have fun with my friends next weekend!! The angels are rejoicing in heaven with me...and my kids will survive (and hopefully have fun) thanks to Mala and Josh caring for them and entertaining them.

I'm gonna do my hair, wear all the fun makeup I have, and wear clothes that I am not concerned will get a permanent cheeto stain on them. FUN TIMES!

I'm really glad that Thanksgiving happens right after that because I will need something to look forward to after all the fun we'll have! Side note: how is it already almost Thanksgiving?!?!?!

Maybe I'll get a post in about all our fun adventures - let's hope so!!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Almost One Month with LimeLight by Alcone

I just wanted to give a quick LimeLight update...

I'm about a week away from my first full month as a LimeLight Beauty Guide. Mostly I have had lots and lots of fun! I'll be honest - I really just wanted to try lots of the products and maybe start a hobby. Instead I have had more fun than I thought starting my little business and helping friends and family I love find products that they are enjoying as much as I have!

I have made connections with lots of really nice people that are inspiring, funny, and just great to know. I have been pushed out of my comfort zone to connect with acquaintances around me and initiate conversations with them - and not even about LimeLight. It's just like having this little hobby has given me the confidence to talk to people that I didn't know I needed. I've been spending so many of these last 5 months waiting for people to talk to the "new girl" - because shouldn't they? Isn't it the established people's job to draw in the new person? I think that way...but not everybody else does. So instead I've decided I want to connect with people and take the risks myself. I don't have much to lose but I have a lot to gain.

Starting this has also helped me re-connect with friends that are far away. It starts a conversation because they have a question about a product, but more heart warming to me is that we can more easily share our day to day lives in the process. Sometimes you just need a reason to start having a conversation!

I've found products I love to use, seen improvements with my skin, gotten to work with a legitimately really nice company, and gotten a boost of energy with a new hobby to pursue!

I don't know how far my business will go - but what I do know is that it is entirely up to me. No one is pushing me to do anything I don't want to do, but I have all the support that I could ever need from the LimeLight community. I can be a hard boss on myself or I can enjoy the ride and just have fun with it. And I'm telling you, I am picking FUN.

Best of all I got my first pay check today. It wasn't a huge amount since I'm just starting out, but it's nice to bring in a little bit after an 18 month hiatus of bringing in zero income!

If any random soul out on the interwebs is reading this and is thinking about joining LimeLight - just go for it. I really don't think you have much to lose. And if you have any questions feel free to contact me or any Beauty Guide in your area. There are lots of people who would love to talk to you.

Click here if you want to become a Beauty Guide or just read a little more about it.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Trying Something New!

Hey buddies...

You may have seen that I decided to join LimeLight by Alcone as an Independent Beauty Guide (in training). So, I wanted to take a minute and use my lovely blog forum to explain a little about that.

I've always thought that direct sales seemed fun but terribly intimidating. It has crossed my mind several times (especially since I have been out of the normal 9-5 job world since kiddos) whenever I have come across products I have enjoyed. Since we moved to Georgia and the little nuggets are getting older (ever so quickly and yet slowly) I decided to give it a shot.

That led to LOTS of research to figure out what I might want to do. I am a researcher by nature. It can be a wonderful blessing and a terrible curse. My research led me down a path where I discovered this company called LimeLight by Alcone that I had never heard of! I don't know, I just feel like in this day and age it seems difficult to come across a company you have never ever heard of.

So to make a very long story short, I love make up and skin care and all things girly. I truly embraced this 'love' of my life after Noelle was born. I don't know, something about becoming a mom helps you find little joys in your life and embrace them like you didn't know how to before. Learning and researching about makeup as I did during that season had me trying so many different things and I started learning what I liked and what I didn't. Also since having Noelle, I learned alot about trying to use safe and natural products on ourselves and I try as much as I can to make smart decisions in that regard.

That's what really caught my attention with LimeLight. They have a natural and safe skin care line (that is actually awesome and I have found it to be VERY gentle on my sensitive skin). They also started out as a makeup company that sold makeup to only professionals. For over 60 years they have been a company that aimed to sell the best products to professionals to get the job done. Their whole company only started because they wanted to give commissions to makeup artists who were asking to sell the products to their clients (who liked them and wanted them for personal use). They have special relationships with the makers of their makeup (many of whom are small family businesses) and so have been able to tweak formulas to make them safer when able. For a video of the co-founder giving a history and details of the company go here!

I decided to take the leap and buy a beauty guide kit even though I had NEVER TRIED ANY OF IT. That's risky. But I guess I was in a risky mood. I've been reminding myself that sometimes I just need to put on my big girl pants and be a grown up.

For context I will tell you that moving to Georgia has been wonderful and challenging. We have grown and strengthened as a family, and we don't have a huge circle of community yet (aside from our amazing family). We are still searching for a church and know that at the right time we will know where to settle...but in the mean time I wanted a hobby that would get me out talking to people face to face. So that's another reason I decided to go for it. It's a random way to meet some nice ladies and I am willing to give it a try!

Anyway, back to the LimeLight info...I got the products and I really really like them. I am picky and I have sensitive skin and I am just thrilled with the results I have seen. I have such a long list of more things I want to try!

If you know me you will know that if I really love something I want people to know about it, I want them to try it, and I want them to love it. It's weird. It's just something that makes me happy. So I'm not here to sell you skin care and makeup. I'm here to tell you I found something I love and that works for me, and maybe you will give it a shot too!

If you are interested in learning more about the products, the company or want to purchase something feel free to check it out here:

I could post their points here, but if you really want to know you should do your own research. So that's why I'll just point you there!

Thanks for reading and not just passing this off as another sales pitch ;-)

Sunday, October 16, 2016

The Next Generation

We have been attempting to get some new photos of Milo but also of Louie and Noelle so that my parents can have "matching/coordinating" photos of all three grand kids.

My cousin Michele's birthday party became a great opportunity to try and get those shots, as well as all of the "great grand-kids" of Lou and Flo D'Ambrosio. Flo (Grammy) was the only one who got to meet a great grandchild, which was Will back in 2008.

Getting all of the kids to be happy and looking in relatively the same direction was pretty much impossible, but we are really pleased with the results! Enjoy some Fall cuteness!!

Louie thought Francis of Assisi needed a hug. 

This took so much effort and was the best we could do. Someone wouldn't stay put...

We gave up on Louie and took a few with the cooperative ones.

We tried again and gave Louie the prop. Worked for him, but then the other two were distracted!

Happy Mr. Milo!! Too easy :)

The photo veteran of the crowd.

I had to hold him still but we'll crop me out later.

Milo and Mariano, the 2016 crew representing well!

This is where we tried to get all of them, you can see how poorly we started...

We resorted to singing to get them all to look and be happy. Will was mortified, Milo was beginning to dislike it, Louie thought it was the greatest concert of all time, Noelle was slightly amused, and Mariano was horrified.

We tried re-adjusting the positions and hoped that everyone would be happy. Louie was wondering what on earth was wrong with Milo.

The best we could do!
Milo Tripp ~ Noelle Watkins ~ Louie Watkins ~ Will Perrino ~ Mariano Perrino
Lou and Flo would have been immensely proud and entirely smitten with all of them!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

October in Georgia

It's been hot. Once we moved to Georgia I don't think I was cold from May until recently. If you know me, you will know that's a long time for me to be hot. I am pretty much always cold, except for summer in Georgia.

But good news everyone - the heat is retreating. And October in Georgia is gorgeous!! I haven't been in Georgia for an october since 2000. And even then I was in high school which means the only days you are outside for the entire day is pretty much weekends. But let's face it, how many high schoolers truly truly appreciate beautiful days?? Well I can tell you that I didn't!

The mornings are a little chilly but the afternoons are awesome. Nice and warm but with a cool breeze. I am not sure how many clouds I have even seen this month, it's just been perfection. Louie and Noelle just LOVE to be outside. So I am out there all. the. time.  A beautiful day outside with the kids is just a mood booster for the average mom.

It's not exactly what I would call traditional "fall" that I am used to (think light weight scarves, breaking out the boots...) but I am thoroughly enjoying the slightly cooled temperatures and the sunny skies. I'm not even dreading it becoming winter as I have in previous years...I know there will be days ahead that I don't want to venture outside with the kids - but they will start later and end sooner.

I'm excited that I'm not drenched after 5 minutes outside and that my makeup isn't melting off my face (which let's face it, most days I didn't even bother because it was so hot). Hopefully by next summer I can manage regular pool trips with both kids so that we can survive the scorching heat a little better - maybe Louie will be more cooperative in the pool in 2017!! A mom can dream, right?

I will always miss fall in Kentucky, but I am enjoying the beauty of fall in Georgia.

Monday, August 22, 2016

My new favorite time of year - BACK TO SCHOOL!

Noelle needs school.

It is so good for her. She is nicer to her parents when she is in school. She has more fun when she is in school. Life is calmer when she is in school.

Don't get me wrong, she's an amazing kid...but the structure, learning, friends...she just THRIVES in it. Last week was the first week of school and by gosh were we ready!

A bonus to being in Georgia for Pre-k was that it started nearly a month earlier than Noelle's preschool in Kentucky. On top of that, it was impossible to find a 3 day program...pretty much everything is 4 days or more. It was a bit more than we would have paid in Kentucky, but hey - we're getting another day of her at school!

She has adjusted beautifully to her new school. She has two sweet teachers that are both grandma's and have been teaching for years. Her school has an abundance of little girls so I am hopeful that Noelle will make a few more friends in her class that we could have a play date with here and there.

We had fun taking her first day of Pre-K pictures and before I know it she will be off to Kindergarden and beyond!!!

She came up with this pose herself!


Her faces crack us up!

This was our attempt to get a pic of both of them. Louie is wary.

Now Louie is just bored, lol.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Louie - 1 Year

This post is embarrassingly late. But guys, moving is really really hard with little nuggets running around!

Louie spent his 12th month entertaining himself while we packed and said goodbyes. His birthday party was a small family get together just days after we arrived in Georgia. For his first birthday he was a squatter in his grandparents home!

He didn't have any major milestones in his 12th month...but he certainly got into anything and everything he could. We call him "destructor" or "one man wrecking crew" - he is just a little tornado/bulldozer everywhere he goes. It's a bit exhausting but thankfully he is so very cute. That really helps.

He is turning into such a little boy so quickly...and also turning into quite the toddler, complete with toddler fits when he doesn't get his way.

Louis is now 14.5 months and won't sit still for much of anything. We did our very best to get a one year photo like all his others but he was NOT having it. We decided it was better to be honest about trying to get it and that way we would remember just how impossible it was to get him to sit still at a year old.

Louie is also starting to communicate more and more with us. He's got Mama, Dada, and Pop Pop as the people he will name. Sometimes we think he tries to say Noelle as "O-elle" but it isn't very often. He likes to point out people, and he also likes to point at ceiling fans. His favorite animals are cats and he loves to eat cookies.

It's hard to believe how quickly a year has flown by and I know the 2nd year will go even faster. We love you little Louie and we are so very honored to have you be a part of our family.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Adjusting to New Normal

Moving to different states is a big transition. It's even more challenging when you have a "hiatus" month in between leaving your old home and actually moving into your new home.

We officially started living in our home in Acworth the day after my birthday. It was so interesting to go back to our family dynamic of just the four of us. The kids were so happy to have all of their own things unboxed and slowly we started to find our own rhythms again.

We still have a few things to "check off the list" in terms of all you have to switch over and change when you move. But that list is quickly getting checked off as we have started August.

But there is so much more to "new normal" that we are still adjusting to. It's exciting and tiring all at the same time. We are getting more familiar with the area, and our house is feeling more and more like home.

We've met some great neighbors who have made us feel like we actually know people here beyond just family.

We are still searching for a church home, and we feel once we have found that it will really start to feel like we are settled fully. It has been 11 years since we looked for a new church, and it is no easy feat. It has brought back memories of where we were back then and we try to remember what made us plant our family at Quest. We are eager to start this next chapter, but we need lots of patience as the search continues.

In the mean time we are so grateful to have family nearby and we've even gotten visits from a couple Lexington friends that have been passing through. We're learning what it means to invest in long distance friendships while still keeping our eyes open for new friends here.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Louie - 11 months

It's so hard to believe that 11 months have gone by so quickly. I was so incredibly tired and miserable a year ago - but it was all absolutely worth it to add this sweet little guy to our family.

Louie had yet another very busy month. He now has 5 lovely teeth and hopefully number 6 isn't far behind. He started taking steps at 10 months, but by 11 months he was a fairly experienced walker...just a few days past 11 months and it is clear that he chooses to walk 95% of the time.

He is getting better at eating different foods, but I still spoon feed him lots of calorie rich solids so that I know he is getting enough to eat. He just has limited patience for finger foods and gets annoyed if he has to do too much work to eat. But a new tasty snack that he loves is veggie straws. He is super funny because as he eats them he likes to blow in and out of the straw.

Louie loves his sister but is showing some annoyance with her more often if she smothers him. He doesn't like his movement limited and Noelle is all too fond of hugging him (aka, putting him in a headlock).

Louie still wakes once a night to eat and I keep feeding him for the extra calories he gets, but we have had a few stray sleep through the night events lately which has been very encouraging.

He is still obsessed with anything that has wheels and loves to make his own sound effects for his cars and trucks. He also is still enamored with Mickey more than any other character out there.

I'm trying to enjoy the last month of having a "baby" especially since I know Louie is going to want to be even more independent than most toddlers. I day dream about not having to breast feed and future sleep through the night occurrences, but I know I will miss all the snuggles and sweet baby giggles.

Josh and I just came across a little video of Noelle before she turned two and when she was just starting to talk. It was incredible to see this little toddler that just doesn't exist anymore!! It makes your heart sad even though we absolutely adore our little pre-schooler. We were also looking at it and getting excited for the cute toddler things that Louie is about to do.

Next time I post for this little dude he will be one and we will be living in another state. So expect it late AGAIN if you are looking, lol.

This captures this month perfectly. Louie and Grover on the move!

Sunday, April 24, 2016

When Plans Change

In the last 20 months we have had many surprises. Life has taken twists and turns we didn't expect, but God has been faithful and true through all of it. We have experienced heartache, frustration, forgiveness, joy, and had so much healing in our hearts and family through this season.

Shortly after Louie was born, I had a sense that change was around the corner. I kind of tucked it away for a while, unsure of what to do with it (wondering if it was all the hormones leaving the body after pregnancy, lol). It kept coming to the surface and a few months later Josh and I started discussing the possibility of moving our family. It was very much a "maybe" discussion for a long time. Over time, we really felt more strongly about it and started to see that we weren't pushing that plan - but that God was directing some next steps for our family. He was offering us a chance to trust Him.

After much prayer and discussion we are going to start a new adventure and move to the Atlanta area! We are truly sad to leave Lexington - this city that we absolutely love. It will be a city that we will hold so dearly in our hearts forever. The things we have experienced here have been foundational to our hearts and lives and we are who we are because of the 15+ years we have spent here. We will miss our friends, neighbors, and our church family. Never did we think we would leave Lexington, but when God says go, we will go.

It may seem fast and like a surprise to some of you reading this, but we took little steps here and there along the way. Each time we stepped out in faith, God met us and continued to direct what the next step might be. The most recent next step for us was putting our home on the market and after just 24 hours, 5 showings and 2 offers, we signed a contract to sell our home! The potential closing date is the end of May, so hopefully we won't be homeless for too long!

We are excited for the new opportunities moving will mean for Josh's work and we are so happy to be near some family. We believe that the next for our little family will be a wonderful adventure that we are thrilled to embark on together.

I never thought I would go back to the Atlanta area, so this feels like a great unknown to my own heart! At this point in our lives though, I know that God always has a bigger picture than I can fathom. I look forward to seeing what unfolds!

So for old friends that are still around in Georgia - see you soon! And for my many friends in's a really easy drive straight down I-75. Please consider coming to visit us, or even just stopping by as you make your way down to Florida for your vacations!! I'll buy you a Publix sub and your life will never be the same :)

Monday, April 11, 2016

Louie - 10 months

Louie was SUPER busy in his 10th month.

First of all he was determined to learn how to walk. I did help him "practice" because he absolutely loved it. I would sit down on the floor with him and hold him a couple feet out from me. Then I would count to three and let go and he would take a step or two towards me. His sleep as been difficult and erratic the last month, and it was clearly due to his development and not being able to shut his brain off to sleep. He just wanted to keep practicing his news skills!  He started taking steps solo THE DAY he turned 10 months basically. He loves to get new skills on the day he changes a month.

He also very quickly cut his top two teeth and they are so CUTE! I cannot wait for them to come fully through, because that smile is going to be priceless.

Louie also had his follow up heart appointment this month and the tiny hole in his heart has fully closed! He also had his official 9 month check up and his weight finally stabilized! Hooray! I'm still making sure he eats plenty to counteract the CONSTANT movement he has each day, but hopefully he just doesn't drop percentage wise anymore.

Louie probably loves his yogurt the most when it comes to food. He is enjoying trying new finger foods these days, but I think he gets frustrated that they aren't quite as easy to eat. So each meal consists of some finger foods to try, and then I spend the rest of the time quickly shoveling in something mushy and easy to eat so I make sure he gets enough food for the day.

Louie loves to see new people and new things. He still loves his toys, but mostly my days are consisted of keeping him out of dangerous things at the house. He just finds them so very interesting. Luckily the weather is starting to clear up here and there and he just loves to be outside and crawl around. I look forward to him consistently walking because that kid gets himself so dirty crawling around outside!

This boy is too much fun and I am so looking forward to what life will be like with him as a toddler!

Hip Hip Hooray! 10 months old!


Noelle wanted to participate this time!

Shortly after this photo, Louie wrangled himself free and crawled over the edge of the chair.Yikes!

Noelle thought it was funny that Louie fell off the chair. Typical.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Louie - 9 Months

3/4 of the way there!

THIS LITTLE BOY. Oh my heart. He is as sweet and wonderful as you could imagine through the pictures. He is almost always on the go, but so happy to be exploring this world.

Just a few updates...

He is still slipping down on his weight percentage for the growth chart (but still gaining weight) so the doctor has me adding fattier solids to his diet. He also basically gets to eat whenever he wants, day or night. The sad part is, he is just too busy to nurse for very long during the day, so he eats all he wants at night when he isn't as distracted. Doctors orders...

Since we had an extra doctor visit for weight check I also had them check his height. He is 29.5 inches long and 19 pounds 9 ounces. He certainly looks healthy in every way, so lets hope that his weight stabilizes by his "official" 9 month appointment so I can stop being concerned I am feeding him enough.

Louie is very mobile. During his 9th month he has started pulling up on anything and everything. He even likes to let go every now and then and just stand there for a few seconds. He also very mildly started cruising. He hasn't particularly mastered it yet, but he is thinking about it.

Louie loves his sister and other little kids. He likes to just watch what they are doing, and I think that little mind of his is just thinking about all the ways he will join in on the fun one day. He also really enjoys hats. He will be absolutely fascinated by a ball cap, but isn't convinced he wants to wear them himself just yet. He is still loving anything with wheels as well - just thinks they are the coolest things!

We also discovered that Louie loves to be outside (now that we have finally had a few nice days come through). I'm definitely about to have another park rat on my hands, which works out well since Noelle is pretty much obsessed with parks too. I don't mind one bit, and mostly can't wait until he starts walking so that he can have just as much fun as the other kids at the park. The swing just isn't quite enough fun for this little guy - he wants to get in on the big kid stuff too!

He naps like a full on champion - two great naps a day. The nights are the tricky parts, but since I can't night wean him, I just do whatever is necessary. Someday I will get my sleep back. And I bet by then I will get a measly 6 hours in a row and be wide awake. I feel that is what happens to moms who have such interrupted sleep for many years in a row. It's like their bodies forget how to take a really long uninterrupted sleep. I hope I'm wrong!

Anyway, here's the pictures for this month. I am shocked we were able to get such a good one of him still and on his back. The other one he was desperately trying to reach for Josh's camera.  He's just the cutest :)

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Louie - 8 Months

Making it to 8 months felt like forever. January and February in Kentucky can be hard with kids. It's when we get most of our snow and the coldest temperatures. I didn't mind it at all before I had kiddos (I actually quite enjoyed it) - but now it means being cooped up more. And of course, that was no exception this Louie got to experience his first major snow storm during his 8th month.  It was a month of quite a few firsts...

He got his first two teeth (which are super duper cute)...and ON February 5th (the day he turned 8 months) he surprised me by again pulling himself up for real and holding it. I was on the phone with my friend Connie when it happened...if you recall he did it one time a month earlier after he saw his older baby friend do it. So that was last week - and now he pulls up on anything and everything. ALL. THE. TIME. He sits himself down very gracefully I might add.

I also mentioned last month that his growth had dropped at his 6 month appointment so we had a weight check scheduled last week with the doctor. Sadly he didn't gain but a few ounces, so it was doctor's orders to do what I can to beef the kid up a bit. Now let me just say this - he is not off the chart, or unhealthy in any way. It's just a bit odd that he had only gained about one pound in 4 months. The only hard part is that the doctor wanted me to give him formula once a day in ADDITION to all the breastfeeding and solids. The hard part...Louie doesn't like bottles. I wasn't consistent enough in giving them to him because (a) why bother and (b) I'm lazy and hate pumping and (c) there was no need. So he doesn't mind formula, he just chews on bottles and doesn't care. Same with sippy cups. Useless to him.

I gave it a valiant effort (which included several bottle purchases and even using some medicine droppers to get formula in him). But at the end of the day, I'm just trying to bulk him up with fattier solids instead of the fruit and veggie purees. I did a test weigh at our neighbor's home, and I feel the results are promising. He also just feels heavier to me, so that's a good sign.

Louie is still pretty happy and he has been napping like a champ this month. He really has his day schedule down pat which is great - but it also means that if something gets messed up he gets all crazy for the day. That's ok - I like the predictability and how he has gotten his rhythm. He has been having some hard nights the last few weeks, and I couldn't tell you what the problem is, but today I'm going to go with "8-10 month sleep regression". I'll let you know if that changes in a month.

He still loves his sister but gets more annoyed with her these days if she smothers him with love or cramps his style (aka, blocks him from where he wants to go). I love how she thinks they are "playing" together lots of the time, and mostly Louie just stares at her and touches her toys. For my girl who is always eager for a friend, sometimes that is enough.

His favorite toys are usually ones that make noise, ones with wheels, or balls. He loves to take trips out and about to enjoy the scenery, and he gets lots of strangers who want to come up and say hi. I think what is funny to me is I get lots of women AND men that want to stop and say hello to him. I don't remember as many men stopping to make a comment about Noelle. I feel it has something to do with they see a cool little dude and just want to be buddies or something.

Before you enjoy the adorable photo of our son at 8 months old - let me just note how I am noticing this blog is becoming the monthly baby update blog. It's temporary. I just need more that 45 minutes a day to myself before I pass out for the night. We will get there someday...but for now, just bear with me and enjoy the baby updates!

On to the photo!!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Louie - 7 months

Month 7 was busy and just flew by! That always seems to happen in December when it seems our calendars fill up and suddenly you aren't sure what day it is.

Louie had a very busy month. His six month check up wasn't able to happen until the 16th (11 days after turning 6 months if you want to get technical!)  He took his shots like a champ and was generally a superb baby throughout the whole visit. The one concern the doctor had was that he hadn't gained a ton of weight since his last visit. Mind you - he is plenty big - still in the 56% of weight at the time. But just the fact that in 2 months he went from the 89% for weight, down to the 56% was a little out of character on his former growth patterns. He had only gained a few ounces in 2 months.

Now. That being said, it wasn't that surpising. He had certainly grown - no doubt about it. BUT, the child doesn't stop moving. He is such a wiggly worm! And thankfully, the doctor could see that he was very much on the verge of crawling. She agreed that this early crawling habit he was developing was to blame for the lack of weight gain - but just to be safe she had us schedule a visit for 6 weeks later just to check his weight.

That was December 16. Louie took his first army crawl on Monday December 21, just 5 days later. By the time it was Christmas the kid was every which way. By the time we left Georgia on January 4, you could barely keep him to one room at my mom's house.

And in grand style, he decided on January 5 (his 7 month mark) that he would introduce proper hands and knees crawling to his moving capabilities. And he also attempted to pull up on his exersaucer for the first time (thanks to his buddy Lydia showing him how). Luckily he has not attempted the pull up maneuver again, but he is regularly getting in some hands and knees crawling.

So my son the early crawler is starting to look long and lean these days. It turns out his Dada started crawling at 6.5 months as well!

Poor little buddy has been working on his first two bottom teeth still and hopefully this month they will make their appearance. It seems that both of my kids are what I like to call "long & dramatic" teethers.

Louie is doing so great on the eating front! He is picky about his vegetables lately but loves his fruits. He has had some straight up fresh banana and fresh pears and has also started eating baby puffs, which he loves.

He plays so happily on the floor and doesn't need much entertainment. I don't ever remember Noelle just being happy to lay on the floor with her toys for 30 minutes to an hour at a time at this age. To be fair, she couldn't crawl yet, so she couldn't snag whatever shiny object caught her attention too easily like Louie can.

He LOVES older kids. Noelle is always entertaining to him and if we have a play date with other kids he is just fascinated by whatever they are doing. He loves going to the store and riding around in the grocery carts like a big kid. Most everywhere we go I get compliments on what a sweet baby he is and how cute he is. Don't worry - Noelle gets the cute comments too, so her ego isn't hurting :)

I'm excited for Louie to keep growing and changing but I have to keep reminding myself not to wish the baby days away. I think that is why I haven't even attempted sleep training with Louie. With his recent lack of weight gain and the fact that I know "this too shall pass" I kind of just feed him or snuggle him whenever I need to because it's easy and I don't plan on having any more babies. So I might as well baby my baby, right?

We just LOVE this little dude. How couldn't you?!?

Our most common view of Louie...on the move!

Teething makes me cranky.!