The first week of June I got the privilege of watching little Charlie Gotcher for a day. Charissa's mom was on vacation and she needed some help while she was at work. Charissa has helped me SO many times with Noelle and I was so excited that my schedule worked out that I could have little Charlie for a day.
Charlie was born in January of this year, and he is just the sweetest and most easy going baby I have been around. That is even counting Noelle (don't get me wrong, Noelle is the most amazing kid, but she wasn't the easiest baby in the whole world - really really really great - but not nearly as laid back as Charlie boy).
It was really fun to experience a day with two. It could have been that Charlie is just so awesome, but it almost felt like 2 wasn't much more work than having just the one!
Noelle was great too - she actually seemed more independent than a normal day, and she wasn't jealous at all. She WAS very concerned about how the baby was doing. She was obsessed with all the buckles on his car seat and bouncy chair.
Charlie had a great morning nap and we had lots of fun playing and eating lunch after that. Then I decided we should make a quick trip to the park. I put on my ergo baby carrier and Charlie was happy as a lark. By the end of our park trip he was already starting to doze off again.
During his second nap and Noelle's first nap I managed to get an hour of work done...then Lillie came to play for a little bit & shortly after that everyone woke up. She and Noelle just love to hang out together. Lillie loves all the different toys and Noelle loves watching how Lillie plays with them and joins in.
Lillie was very excited to see Charlie - way more excited than Noelle had been. But what was funny was that Lillie was a little jealous of my attention to Charlie later on. She didn't want to share my lap at one point and was highly annoyed that I was holding them both at the same time. Noelle meanwhile just did her own thing with her toys during the whole interaction. I felt very loved that Lillie was jealous of my attention to Charlie!
Now obviously It would be physically impossible for me to have birthed Noelle, Lillie, and Charlie on my own...but even so - I am pretty sure I don't want 3 kids. 2 is just enough to have hands for both :)
But it was very fun with 3 of them for a window of time. I had them all watching Frozen at one point, which was awesome.
Around 4:30 Charlie went home and shortly after that so did Lillie. Noelle and I had a quiet evening and I think we all slept well that night.
Here's some fun photos from the day's events!
Noelle was glad to see charlie, but couldn't wait to play with his buckles |
Charlie immediately just made himself at home and chilled in his chair! |
Then Noelle wanted to examine the buckles on the chair |
More buckle examination |
Noelle shared Nemo with Charlie. Everyone loves Nemo! |
I haven't fed too many babies bottles since I breastfed Noelle! |
Noelle loved joining Charlie during tummy time! |
She also shared three-legged squirt with Charlie. They had a chat. |
Off to the park! |
And on the way home I had a snoozer in the ergo! |
Lille was excited to play with Charlie! |
She also loved watching Frozen, and wanted to show me her Nilla wafers snack. |
Whenever Lillie comes over they play in the toybox/ottoman :) |
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