Thursday, May 7, 2015

Waiting for Louie

This week started my time off waiting for this baby to come. It has been a welcome relief to take a deep breath and just focus on being a mom to the sweetest toddler girl I know and finish growing this little boy. I have been so much more tired and pained this pregnancy, and I emphasize the pained part when thinking of the last few weeks.

In reality - I have very little to complain about. I am very healthy, the baby is healthy, and many more women have far more difficult pregnancies. What I do know is that it was NOT this hard with Noelle. She just was kinder to her mother - except when it came time to actually come out of her mother. Louie is a mover and a shaker and hardly ever seems to stop poking and prodding me. Every now and then he moves in such a way that prompts me to cry out "OUCH!" Sleep is interrupted and never seems to be enough.

Noelle keeps me very very active, which I think also contributes to my tiredness and general lack of comfort. When I was pregnant with Noelle I basically had a desk job and light housework for a life, and right now sitting down is just not something I get to enjoy for the majority of any given day.

That being said - I do like to think that her activity level is helping me progress and hopefully will mean an early arrival for Louie. Two weeks ago I was in no way progressed at all. Last week at the doctor I was 1cm and 25% effaced. This week at the doctor I was just shy of 3cm and 50% effaced. I know that I could walk around with those numbers for weeks on end and he could still come out past his due date - but it is highly encouraging to me that I have progressed that far...without noticing a single contraction or even a braxton hicks contraction.

The fun part of going to the doctor today was getting to take Noelle with us. I haven't taken her to a single appointment, but today just felt like a good visit for her to come along, especially since Josh was coming with me too. She was eager to experience the doctor and was asking me every couple of minutes if it was our turn to see the doctor. She was fascinated with going to the bathroom with me and wanted to pee in a cup too (very funny)...and was glad my arm was ok after getting my blood pressure checked. She was also very convinced that I needed to lay down on the table while I waited for the doctor.  And she especially loved hearing baby brother's heart beat - her wonder and excitement was enjoyed even by the doctor!

She gave me two thumbs up for a successful visit, which I agreed after hearing how far along I was, and she happily took 3 stickers and a lollipop for being such a great helper during the appointment.

Next week my appointment is on the 15th - and that was Noelle's actual due date 3 years ago. I've always said that it would be very funny to me if Louie came on his sister's due date, (which would be 12 days early) and Noelle ended up having a birthdate of Louie's due date. Only time will tell!!

All I have is my hopes, my mother's instinct, and the fact that I felt compelled to nearly finish packing our hospital bags today...

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