Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving 2016

There is so very much to be thankful for, but here are just a few I wanted to take note of this year!
In 2016 I am so thankful for...

~ The truth that despite the trying climate of our nation and world, remembering that God is the same always and forever.

~ The unconditional love I receive from both mine and Josh's family.

~ Two healthy children who love to laugh and bring us joy.

~ A faithful and sweet husband who would do anything for my happiness.

~ Friends that may be far away but that I know love me and that I can pick right back up with whenever I see them or talk to them.

~ Technology that allows me to connect with those far away friends and feel like they might just be on the other side of town.

~ The process of making new friends and finding community here in Georgia.

~ Our home and all the help we have had from family, friends, and contractors on making it feel even more and more like our "home".

~ Getting to see my nephew Milo so often.

~ My kids always reminding me to stop and just have fun every now and then (including jumping on the trampoline from time to time with the neighbors' kids too).

~ Beautiful weather that we can play outside well into November.

~ The ability to stay at home with our kids while they are small.

~ The opportunity to take a risk and try something new & fun by selling LimeLight.

~ Free babysitting :)

~ Coffee. LOTS of coffee.

~ The ability to learn new things.

~ The fact that we can avoid most commercials thanks to the services of Netflix and Hulu - Noelle reminds me of this when she has to go through the AGONY of a 30 second commercial while watching something.

~ My beautiful wonderful kitchen!

~ Dance parties with my kids.

~ Good books.

~ My health.

~ The monotony of days at home with small kids. It's really really a challenge lots of days, but I know it is just a season, and a season I will look back on with such fondness. So I will choose to be thankful for the many ups, downs, backwards and forwards of raising two small humans.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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