We have been attempting to get some new photos of Milo but also of Louie and Noelle so that my parents can have "matching/coordinating" photos of all three grand kids.
My cousin Michele's birthday party became a great opportunity to try and get those shots, as well as all of the "great grand-kids" of Lou and Flo D'Ambrosio. Flo (Grammy) was the only one who got to meet a great grandchild, which was Will back in 2008.
Getting all of the kids to be happy and looking in relatively the same direction was pretty much impossible, but we are really pleased with the results! Enjoy some Fall cuteness!!
Louie thought Francis of Assisi needed a hug. |
This took so much effort and was the best we could do. Someone wouldn't stay put... |
We gave up on Louie and took a few with the cooperative ones. |
We tried again and gave Louie the prop. Worked for him, but then the other two were distracted! |
Happy Mr. Milo!! Too easy :) |
The photo veteran of the crowd. |
I had to hold him still but we'll crop me out later. |
Milo and Mariano, the 2016 crew representing well! |
This is where we tried to get all of them, you can see how poorly we started... |
We resorted to singing to get them all to look and be happy. Will was mortified, Milo was beginning to dislike it, Louie thought it was the greatest concert of all time, Noelle was slightly amused, and Mariano was horrified. |
We tried re-adjusting the positions and hoped that everyone would be happy. Louie was wondering what on earth was wrong with Milo. |
The best we could do! Milo Tripp ~ Noelle Watkins ~ Louie Watkins ~ Will Perrino ~ Mariano Perrino Lou and Flo would have been immensely proud and entirely smitten with all of them! |
"Louie thought it was the greatest concert of all time" hahahaha... his face! I love it!