And OH what a joy this little boy is and becomes with each passing day. I officially no longer have a newborn baby boy, I now have an infant baby boy! I remember from Noelle that babies start to get more and more fun at the 3 month stage and Louie is no exception (a whopping 3 days in, ha!)
We did a weight test at our friends the Mahoney's and Louie is weighing in at a hefty 16 pounds even. Now, at his 2 month doctor's appointment (which was a week after he turned 2 months) he was 14 lbs and 14 ounces. Just 3 weeks later...THREE WEEKS...he is now 16 lbs. Man that kid can grow.
He is thoroughly filling out his 6 month clothing and there are quite a few items that will need to be retired very soon.
He loves to just stare you down with those deep deep brown eyes and he loves to chuckle. It's not the full belly laughs we got from Noelle, but Louie is definitely laughing. He is just more of a short chuckler than a giggler. He gives tons of smiles to his big sis, but he gets most excited when we eat his ribs, chin, or feet.
I can take Louie just about anywhere and he is pretty happy. He still gets slightly cranky right at the end of the day, but overall is not much of a fussy boy.
Here's the fun photos of our little boy who is now 1/4 of a year old!
Love it... He's a cutie!