The Staples
Do you ever wonder what other products people swear by? I think it is so interesting how there are so many different versions of EVERYTHING that you could choose from. It truly is unbelievable the amount of choices we have in this country. And every day it seems like someone comes out with another new choice to choose from!
So I decided to write a little bit about some of my favorite "cannot live without" products...I think it is always interesting to know what other people love too - so feel free to post what items you can't do without!
Dr. Dan's Cortibalm: I came across this product by accident. There was one really cold winter a few years ago, and I was getting what I thought were cold sores (for the first time ever in my life). I went to the dermatologist to check it out and it was just really really dry skin around my mouth. Man did it burn and itch. I have been a hard core chap-stick user for as long as I can remember, and nothing was doing the trick for me anymore. So the dermatologist recommended this lip balm that is not prescription, but you do have to order it specially through your pharmacist. Not only did it cure my very uncomfortable lip problem - I use WAY LESS chap-stick than ever before. Seriously. I can do one smear a day...sometimes less! And it is just as cheap as any over the counter stuff if you have your local Walgreens pharmacist order it for you!! Serious miracle product.

Mr. Clean Magic Eraser: I remember when these things came out when I was in college. I didn't quite get how it could be so awesome, but it is. These things can clean anything...but be careful - it will take colored paint off of the walls if you are doing some major scrubbing! But I can clean my bathroom so quick with one of these sponges, and so many other things too!! They are a bit expensive in my opinion, but it is a splurge I am willing to make because it brings me so much joy while I clean! Who doesn't want to be happy while they clean?!
Summer Soles: **Honesty Alert** I have clammy hands and feet. Most people who know me, know this about me. It's annoying and I was terribly embarrassed by it for years, but I got over it and realized it is what it is. However, in the summertime it poses a real problem. If you take naturally sweaty feet and then add really hot temperatures...well then you get really really sweaty feet. It can be a real hazard trying to walk up-hill in flip flops in the middle of summer!! One day I decided - there has GOT to be SOMEONE who has made a product for people like me. Enter Summer Soles! These are a summer life saver! I am able to wear all the fun shoes you want to wear in the summer, and I am not terrified that I might break my ankle. Most of you will never need or use this product (lucky dogs), but for those of you that know the summer sweaty feet struggle I am talking about, give summer soles a try! They are super absorbent and cute!!
Tupperware Insulated Tumbler: Ever since I got pregnant & have been nursing I have been a thirsty fool. I think I have had more water in the past 20 months than I have my whole life. My sister sells Tupperware on occasion and she got me one of these (and then I asked for another!) I use these by my bed for those middle of the night thirsty episodes and when I am at home. They keep the water at the perfect temperature after I pour it from the pitcher in the fridge (I like to drink it fast, so super cold water w/ ice doesn't work for me). I love these, and they are pretty!
So those are some of my favorite products - what can you not live without?!
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