So I decided to write a little bit about some of my favorite "cannot live without" products...I think it is always interesting to know what other people love too - so feel free to post what items you can't do without!

Mr. Clean Magic Eraser: I remember when these things came out when I was in college. I didn't quite get how it could be so awesome, but it is. These things can clean anything...but be careful - it will take colored paint off of the walls if you are doing some major scrubbing! But I can clean my bathroom so quick with one of these sponges, and so many other things too!! They are a bit expensive in my opinion, but it is a splurge I am willing to make because it brings me so much joy while I clean! Who doesn't want to be happy while they clean?!

Summer Soles: **Honesty Alert** I have clammy hands and feet. Most people who know me, know this about me. It's annoying and I was terribly embarrassed by it for years, but I got over it and realized it is what it is. However, in the summertime it poses a real problem. If you take naturally sweaty feet and then add really hot temperatures...well then you get really really sweaty feet. It can be a real hazard trying to walk up-hill in flip flops in the middle of summer!! One day I decided - there has GOT to be SOMEONE who has made a product for people like me. Enter Summer Soles! These are a summer life saver! I am able to wear all the fun shoes you want to wear in the summer, and I am not terrified that I might break my ankle. Most of you will never need or use this product (lucky dogs), but for those of you that know the summer sweaty feet struggle I am talking about, give summer soles a try! They are super absorbent and cute!!

So those are some of my favorite products - what can you not live without?!