Friday, March 8, 2013

Picture Friday: Days with Mama...

Here's some pics from the full Tuesdays and Thursdays I get to spend with this little munchkin. They are some of my favorite days of the week and I always try to snap a few pics with the fancy camera :)

She truly is changing every day - there is always a new skill that she seems to acquire, or she takes a skill already learned and bumps it up to the next level. It is truly astonishing how quickly these kiddos change!

And be sure to note that we finally captured an up close shot of the first tooth. It took about a week for it to get high enough to photograph and it was very difficult to get her to show it, but with teamwork we made it happen!

Mama, I want that thing you are holding!! 
She can destroy a room so quickly these days :)
More trash!

I'd like to teach the world to sing...

Not the good camera, but such a cutie before bed 

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