Thursday, October 27, 2016

Trying Something New!

Hey buddies...

You may have seen that I decided to join LimeLight by Alcone as an Independent Beauty Guide (in training). So, I wanted to take a minute and use my lovely blog forum to explain a little about that.

I've always thought that direct sales seemed fun but terribly intimidating. It has crossed my mind several times (especially since I have been out of the normal 9-5 job world since kiddos) whenever I have come across products I have enjoyed. Since we moved to Georgia and the little nuggets are getting older (ever so quickly and yet slowly) I decided to give it a shot.

That led to LOTS of research to figure out what I might want to do. I am a researcher by nature. It can be a wonderful blessing and a terrible curse. My research led me down a path where I discovered this company called LimeLight by Alcone that I had never heard of! I don't know, I just feel like in this day and age it seems difficult to come across a company you have never ever heard of.

So to make a very long story short, I love make up and skin care and all things girly. I truly embraced this 'love' of my life after Noelle was born. I don't know, something about becoming a mom helps you find little joys in your life and embrace them like you didn't know how to before. Learning and researching about makeup as I did during that season had me trying so many different things and I started learning what I liked and what I didn't. Also since having Noelle, I learned alot about trying to use safe and natural products on ourselves and I try as much as I can to make smart decisions in that regard.

That's what really caught my attention with LimeLight. They have a natural and safe skin care line (that is actually awesome and I have found it to be VERY gentle on my sensitive skin). They also started out as a makeup company that sold makeup to only professionals. For over 60 years they have been a company that aimed to sell the best products to professionals to get the job done. Their whole company only started because they wanted to give commissions to makeup artists who were asking to sell the products to their clients (who liked them and wanted them for personal use). They have special relationships with the makers of their makeup (many of whom are small family businesses) and so have been able to tweak formulas to make them safer when able. For a video of the co-founder giving a history and details of the company go here!

I decided to take the leap and buy a beauty guide kit even though I had NEVER TRIED ANY OF IT. That's risky. But I guess I was in a risky mood. I've been reminding myself that sometimes I just need to put on my big girl pants and be a grown up.

For context I will tell you that moving to Georgia has been wonderful and challenging. We have grown and strengthened as a family, and we don't have a huge circle of community yet (aside from our amazing family). We are still searching for a church and know that at the right time we will know where to settle...but in the mean time I wanted a hobby that would get me out talking to people face to face. So that's another reason I decided to go for it. It's a random way to meet some nice ladies and I am willing to give it a try!

Anyway, back to the LimeLight info...I got the products and I really really like them. I am picky and I have sensitive skin and I am just thrilled with the results I have seen. I have such a long list of more things I want to try!

If you know me you will know that if I really love something I want people to know about it, I want them to try it, and I want them to love it. It's weird. It's just something that makes me happy. So I'm not here to sell you skin care and makeup. I'm here to tell you I found something I love and that works for me, and maybe you will give it a shot too!

If you are interested in learning more about the products, the company or want to purchase something feel free to check it out here:

I could post their points here, but if you really want to know you should do your own research. So that's why I'll just point you there!

Thanks for reading and not just passing this off as another sales pitch ;-)

Sunday, October 16, 2016

The Next Generation

We have been attempting to get some new photos of Milo but also of Louie and Noelle so that my parents can have "matching/coordinating" photos of all three grand kids.

My cousin Michele's birthday party became a great opportunity to try and get those shots, as well as all of the "great grand-kids" of Lou and Flo D'Ambrosio. Flo (Grammy) was the only one who got to meet a great grandchild, which was Will back in 2008.

Getting all of the kids to be happy and looking in relatively the same direction was pretty much impossible, but we are really pleased with the results! Enjoy some Fall cuteness!!

Louie thought Francis of Assisi needed a hug. 

This took so much effort and was the best we could do. Someone wouldn't stay put...

We gave up on Louie and took a few with the cooperative ones.

We tried again and gave Louie the prop. Worked for him, but then the other two were distracted!

Happy Mr. Milo!! Too easy :)

The photo veteran of the crowd.

I had to hold him still but we'll crop me out later.

Milo and Mariano, the 2016 crew representing well!

This is where we tried to get all of them, you can see how poorly we started...

We resorted to singing to get them all to look and be happy. Will was mortified, Milo was beginning to dislike it, Louie thought it was the greatest concert of all time, Noelle was slightly amused, and Mariano was horrified.

We tried re-adjusting the positions and hoped that everyone would be happy. Louie was wondering what on earth was wrong with Milo.

The best we could do!
Milo Tripp ~ Noelle Watkins ~ Louie Watkins ~ Will Perrino ~ Mariano Perrino
Lou and Flo would have been immensely proud and entirely smitten with all of them!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

October in Georgia

It's been hot. Once we moved to Georgia I don't think I was cold from May until recently. If you know me, you will know that's a long time for me to be hot. I am pretty much always cold, except for summer in Georgia.

But good news everyone - the heat is retreating. And October in Georgia is gorgeous!! I haven't been in Georgia for an october since 2000. And even then I was in high school which means the only days you are outside for the entire day is pretty much weekends. But let's face it, how many high schoolers truly truly appreciate beautiful days?? Well I can tell you that I didn't!

The mornings are a little chilly but the afternoons are awesome. Nice and warm but with a cool breeze. I am not sure how many clouds I have even seen this month, it's just been perfection. Louie and Noelle just LOVE to be outside. So I am out there all. the. time.  A beautiful day outside with the kids is just a mood booster for the average mom.

It's not exactly what I would call traditional "fall" that I am used to (think light weight scarves, breaking out the boots...) but I am thoroughly enjoying the slightly cooled temperatures and the sunny skies. I'm not even dreading it becoming winter as I have in previous years...I know there will be days ahead that I don't want to venture outside with the kids - but they will start later and end sooner.

I'm excited that I'm not drenched after 5 minutes outside and that my makeup isn't melting off my face (which let's face it, most days I didn't even bother because it was so hot). Hopefully by next summer I can manage regular pool trips with both kids so that we can survive the scorching heat a little better - maybe Louie will be more cooperative in the pool in 2017!! A mom can dream, right?

I will always miss fall in Kentucky, but I am enjoying the beauty of fall in Georgia.