Sunday, February 14, 2016

Louie - 8 Months

Making it to 8 months felt like forever. January and February in Kentucky can be hard with kids. It's when we get most of our snow and the coldest temperatures. I didn't mind it at all before I had kiddos (I actually quite enjoyed it) - but now it means being cooped up more. And of course, that was no exception this Louie got to experience his first major snow storm during his 8th month.  It was a month of quite a few firsts...

He got his first two teeth (which are super duper cute)...and ON February 5th (the day he turned 8 months) he surprised me by again pulling himself up for real and holding it. I was on the phone with my friend Connie when it happened...if you recall he did it one time a month earlier after he saw his older baby friend do it. So that was last week - and now he pulls up on anything and everything. ALL. THE. TIME. He sits himself down very gracefully I might add.

I also mentioned last month that his growth had dropped at his 6 month appointment so we had a weight check scheduled last week with the doctor. Sadly he didn't gain but a few ounces, so it was doctor's orders to do what I can to beef the kid up a bit. Now let me just say this - he is not off the chart, or unhealthy in any way. It's just a bit odd that he had only gained about one pound in 4 months. The only hard part is that the doctor wanted me to give him formula once a day in ADDITION to all the breastfeeding and solids. The hard part...Louie doesn't like bottles. I wasn't consistent enough in giving them to him because (a) why bother and (b) I'm lazy and hate pumping and (c) there was no need. So he doesn't mind formula, he just chews on bottles and doesn't care. Same with sippy cups. Useless to him.

I gave it a valiant effort (which included several bottle purchases and even using some medicine droppers to get formula in him). But at the end of the day, I'm just trying to bulk him up with fattier solids instead of the fruit and veggie purees. I did a test weigh at our neighbor's home, and I feel the results are promising. He also just feels heavier to me, so that's a good sign.

Louie is still pretty happy and he has been napping like a champ this month. He really has his day schedule down pat which is great - but it also means that if something gets messed up he gets all crazy for the day. That's ok - I like the predictability and how he has gotten his rhythm. He has been having some hard nights the last few weeks, and I couldn't tell you what the problem is, but today I'm going to go with "8-10 month sleep regression". I'll let you know if that changes in a month.

He still loves his sister but gets more annoyed with her these days if she smothers him with love or cramps his style (aka, blocks him from where he wants to go). I love how she thinks they are "playing" together lots of the time, and mostly Louie just stares at her and touches her toys. For my girl who is always eager for a friend, sometimes that is enough.

His favorite toys are usually ones that make noise, ones with wheels, or balls. He loves to take trips out and about to enjoy the scenery, and he gets lots of strangers who want to come up and say hi. I think what is funny to me is I get lots of women AND men that want to stop and say hello to him. I don't remember as many men stopping to make a comment about Noelle. I feel it has something to do with they see a cool little dude and just want to be buddies or something.

Before you enjoy the adorable photo of our son at 8 months old - let me just note how I am noticing this blog is becoming the monthly baby update blog. It's temporary. I just need more that 45 minutes a day to myself before I pass out for the night. We will get there someday...but for now, just bear with me and enjoy the baby updates!

On to the photo!!