Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Mid Week Pick-me-up

You're welcome.

She can make putting away the HUGE load of laundry cute, interesting, and FUN. :)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Note to self...

When your toddler learns how to play with an old clock radio, make sure she doesn't learn how to turn on the alarm.

Yes. The alarm just went off. At 11:15pm. In her room.

Poor thing was startled and confused. I got there as quickly as I could, but of course it was already too late.  And it's not a gentle alarm clock. It is one of the most hateful and aggressive alarms I've ever heard in my life.

It is Josh's alarm clock radio from BEFORE we were married. And I'm pretty sure it was quite old when we got married!

We had used it to improvise white noise (putting it on FM static) after we were too lazy to unpack our ipod dock we had been using for white noise. But the stations changed recently and at the same time Noelle learned how to use the radio (she loves to play with it - Josh has a fabulous video of her dancing to K-Love). So it has just been in her room for her to play with when she feels like it.

Tonight it has been unplugged and tomorrow it will be moved to another room. And when she plays with it next I will check it to make sure the alarm hasn't been accidentally turned on.

Lesson learned.

All this has reminded me that no one should ever have to wake up to an alarm...