Sunday, April 24, 2016

When Plans Change

In the last 20 months we have had many surprises. Life has taken twists and turns we didn't expect, but God has been faithful and true through all of it. We have experienced heartache, frustration, forgiveness, joy, and had so much healing in our hearts and family through this season.

Shortly after Louie was born, I had a sense that change was around the corner. I kind of tucked it away for a while, unsure of what to do with it (wondering if it was all the hormones leaving the body after pregnancy, lol). It kept coming to the surface and a few months later Josh and I started discussing the possibility of moving our family. It was very much a "maybe" discussion for a long time. Over time, we really felt more strongly about it and started to see that we weren't pushing that plan - but that God was directing some next steps for our family. He was offering us a chance to trust Him.

After much prayer and discussion we are going to start a new adventure and move to the Atlanta area! We are truly sad to leave Lexington - this city that we absolutely love. It will be a city that we will hold so dearly in our hearts forever. The things we have experienced here have been foundational to our hearts and lives and we are who we are because of the 15+ years we have spent here. We will miss our friends, neighbors, and our church family. Never did we think we would leave Lexington, but when God says go, we will go.

It may seem fast and like a surprise to some of you reading this, but we took little steps here and there along the way. Each time we stepped out in faith, God met us and continued to direct what the next step might be. The most recent next step for us was putting our home on the market and after just 24 hours, 5 showings and 2 offers, we signed a contract to sell our home! The potential closing date is the end of May, so hopefully we won't be homeless for too long!

We are excited for the new opportunities moving will mean for Josh's work and we are so happy to be near some family. We believe that the next for our little family will be a wonderful adventure that we are thrilled to embark on together.

I never thought I would go back to the Atlanta area, so this feels like a great unknown to my own heart! At this point in our lives though, I know that God always has a bigger picture than I can fathom. I look forward to seeing what unfolds!

So for old friends that are still around in Georgia - see you soon! And for my many friends in's a really easy drive straight down I-75. Please consider coming to visit us, or even just stopping by as you make your way down to Florida for your vacations!! I'll buy you a Publix sub and your life will never be the same :)

Monday, April 11, 2016

Louie - 10 months

Louie was SUPER busy in his 10th month.

First of all he was determined to learn how to walk. I did help him "practice" because he absolutely loved it. I would sit down on the floor with him and hold him a couple feet out from me. Then I would count to three and let go and he would take a step or two towards me. His sleep as been difficult and erratic the last month, and it was clearly due to his development and not being able to shut his brain off to sleep. He just wanted to keep practicing his news skills!  He started taking steps solo THE DAY he turned 10 months basically. He loves to get new skills on the day he changes a month.

He also very quickly cut his top two teeth and they are so CUTE! I cannot wait for them to come fully through, because that smile is going to be priceless.

Louie also had his follow up heart appointment this month and the tiny hole in his heart has fully closed! He also had his official 9 month check up and his weight finally stabilized! Hooray! I'm still making sure he eats plenty to counteract the CONSTANT movement he has each day, but hopefully he just doesn't drop percentage wise anymore.

Louie probably loves his yogurt the most when it comes to food. He is enjoying trying new finger foods these days, but I think he gets frustrated that they aren't quite as easy to eat. So each meal consists of some finger foods to try, and then I spend the rest of the time quickly shoveling in something mushy and easy to eat so I make sure he gets enough food for the day.

Louie loves to see new people and new things. He still loves his toys, but mostly my days are consisted of keeping him out of dangerous things at the house. He just finds them so very interesting. Luckily the weather is starting to clear up here and there and he just loves to be outside and crawl around. I look forward to him consistently walking because that kid gets himself so dirty crawling around outside!

This boy is too much fun and I am so looking forward to what life will be like with him as a toddler!

Hip Hip Hooray! 10 months old!


Noelle wanted to participate this time!

Shortly after this photo, Louie wrangled himself free and crawled over the edge of the chair.Yikes!

Noelle thought it was funny that Louie fell off the chair. Typical.