THIS LITTLE BOY. Oh my heart. He is as sweet and wonderful as you could imagine through the pictures. He is almost always on the go, but so happy to be exploring this world.
Just a few updates...
He is still slipping down on his weight percentage for the growth chart (but still gaining weight) so the doctor has me adding fattier solids to his diet. He also basically gets to eat whenever he wants, day or night. The sad part is, he is just too busy to nurse for very long during the day, so he eats all he wants at night when he isn't as distracted. Doctors orders...
Since we had an extra doctor visit for weight check I also had them check his height. He is 29.5 inches long and 19 pounds 9 ounces. He certainly looks healthy in every way, so lets hope that his weight stabilizes by his "official" 9 month appointment so I can stop being concerned I am feeding him enough.
Louie is very mobile. During his 9th month he has started pulling up on anything and everything. He even likes to let go every now and then and just stand there for a few seconds. He also very mildly started cruising. He hasn't particularly mastered it yet, but he is thinking about it.
Louie loves his sister and other little kids. He likes to just watch what they are doing, and I think that little mind of his is just thinking about all the ways he will join in on the fun one day. He also really enjoys hats. He will be absolutely fascinated by a ball cap, but isn't convinced he wants to wear them himself just yet. He is still loving anything with wheels as well - just thinks they are the coolest things!
We also discovered that Louie loves to be outside (now that we have finally had a few nice days come through). I'm definitely about to have another park rat on my hands, which works out well since Noelle is pretty much obsessed with parks too. I don't mind one bit, and mostly can't wait until he starts walking so that he can have just as much fun as the other kids at the park. The swing just isn't quite enough fun for this little guy - he wants to get in on the big kid stuff too!
He naps like a full on champion - two great naps a day. The nights are the tricky parts, but since I can't night wean him, I just do whatever is necessary. Someday I will get my sleep back. And I bet by then I will get a measly 6 hours in a row and be wide awake. I feel that is what happens to moms who have such interrupted sleep for many years in a row. It's like their bodies forget how to take a really long uninterrupted sleep. I hope I'm wrong!
Anyway, here's the pictures for this month. I am shocked we were able to get such a good one of him still and on his back. The other one he was desperately trying to reach for Josh's camera. He's just the cutest :)