Saturday, March 14, 2015

28 Week Comparison

I write this as I am rounding the corner to 30 weeks, but luckily I did remember to have Josh take a 28 week picture so we could have a true comparison. And the results...

28 weeks - taken on 3/5/15

28 weeks - sometime in February 2012

I won't lie. The belly looks-a-bigger. But honestly, I don't think much else looks all that bigger from this angle! So that's encouraging to me at least.

I actually missed my original 28 week appointment thanks to Winter Storm Thor who dropped an amazing 17 inches of snow in Lexington. There was no way to get out of the house in our sedan to get to the appointment, but it didn't matter because the doctor's office ended up closing for the day.

I was highly annoyed because I H-A-T-E the glucose test and was not looking forward to it. I had waited and waited for March 5 to come and go so I could move on with my life. Sadly It had to be rescheduled for the following Monday.

But just like last time, I sucked down that orange drink like a champ (I highly recommend using a straw to anyone pregnant out there who has the test coming up) and passed with flying colors. And also the same as with Noelle, I am slightly anemic, so I have to add in some iron supplements.

I worked up the courage to ask my doctor at the appointment how much difference my weight was at this point in the pregnancy than it was at the same point with Noelle. He looked at me and said, "Do you really want to know?"

Even with him prefacing with that question, I wanted to know.

Now, let me just say, that after I had Noelle I knew I weighed less than my pre-pregnancy weight (cue the millions of women hating me everywhere) - but I wasn't sure HOW much less I weighed.  I also knew that I had somehow overnight gotten ALL of that back in the first trimester with this pregnancy. I attribute that mostly to my chest to be honest. It's like the girls know what to do and literally I was back in my huge pregnancy bras in a matter of a few short weeks after discovering I was pregnant.

Anyway, I digress...the real numbers: I started this pregnancy 7 pounds lighter than where I started with Noelle. That was more than I thought! But at the 28 week mark, I was 5 pounds ahead of where I was with my weight with Noelle. So grand total I have actually gained 12 more pounds than I did with Noelle already....however, I am choosing NOT to count the 7, because I know exactly where that came from and I know exactly where it is going to go after 4-6 months of breastfeeding.  So 5 isn't that bad, and my doctor obviously has no concerns and wouldn't have said a thing if I hadn't brought it up.  Even so, he did recommend I be a bit more mindful this month, since I had "such a strong month" last month :)

I'm just telling you, boys are different! I've been more hungry with this kid. I honestly didn't understand the constant hunger pregnancy thing when I had Noelle, and I am not exactly constantly hungry now, but I definitely feel hungry more often than not.

What matters most is that I have a healthy baby boy growing away and for that I am willing to gain however much weight he needs to thrive!

It feels like we are in the home stretch. I know 10 weeks can still seem like a long time, but to me it feels very very short!