Saturday, February 28, 2015

Planning To Look Back

I was playing with Noelle with the TV on in the background at some point this week and there was a talk show on where the host asked their guest "If you could UN-invent one thing, what would it be?"

It was such an interesting question to me, and honestly the first thing I thought of was my cell phone. Don't get me wrong, I love all the conveniences and modern awesomeness of my iPhone 6...but sometimes I just want to throw it away. 

It brought up an interesting conversation with Josh because we have also been re-watching tons of Friends episodes (thank you Netflix!) recently. There was the episode where Chandler is supposed to propose to Monica but gets delayed, and everyone walks in and thinks it has happened, but of course it hasn't and he is trying to get them to shut up and not ruin the surprise that is coming later. Josh made the interesting point that Chandler couldn't just send them all a group text to keep quiet and that the plan had changed. And then he had the interesting comment of, "You know, maybe it really isn't all that important to update everyone all at the same time and make sure they get the message." 

I know there are lots of conversations and debates about the "digital" age we live in, but watching Friends again makes you miss some of the simpleness we had just a few short years ago. Am I the only one that can get a little nostalgic for a simpler time?

That being said, don't worry - I'm not about to go live in the wilderness without power or anything like that. I am just going to try and make a concerted effort to not let the phone rule me, but to rule my phone.  The one thing I am so grateful for is that I have this device that seems to track the most amazing moments of my little girl and soon to be little boy...that alone makes it not worth throwing away!

I love being able to look back on my instagrams and see a year at a glance and watch all the milestones Noelle has crossed over time. As much as I love an old fashioned photo album, there is something comforting to know that I can hop on to facebook and look at old baby pictures of her and reminisce about having a tiny nugget falling asleep on my even makes this pregnancy easier because I can look forward to all the sweet moments ahead with my son.

Josh also downloaded the Timehop app a while ago, and lots of people have jumped on the Timehop bandwagon. Internally I was resistant to the idea because I didn't want one more thing to look at on my phone, but it dawned on me how much I love seeing the old pictures and videos of Noelle that pop up each day for him. He will often show them to me and lots of the time I had forgotten the picture or video existed, but I feel so lucky to get to re-watch it!

So I caved this week and downloaded Timehop - pretty much specifically for the fact that I will have a new bundle of joy coming this year and I want to make sure that next year I can "oooo" and "awww" over how he has changed over the last year and grown up.  So I'm really planning ahead to look back. Weird but true.

There are plenty of annoyances that come with our extra technology, but being able to document Noelle's rousing rendition of the "ABC's" at the drop of a hat is pretty dang awesome.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

26 Weeks and Flying

I know 26 weeks doesn't sound like I am about to have this baby to most people, but it sounds like it to me!!  In 2 weeks I have my glucose test and then I will start seeing the doctor every 2 weeks, which is stinking unbelievable to me.

Just for fun I thought I would do a bump comparison of Noelle around this time and baby brother...let's be honest - I was curious to see the difference myself!

Unfortunately I did the awesome work of not taking a 26 week picture the first time around...I did it every 4 weeks, so I have a 24 week picture and a 28 week picture.

So here I am at those two markers in 2012....

Noelle - 24 weeks
Noelle - 28 weeks

Ok, drumroll please....

26 weeks - Baby Brother
Everything seems just a bit rounder in the front with baby brother than it did with Noelle. I'm sure it has a lot to do with my abdominal muscles which have already been stretched once before so they don't have to do quite as much work. I feel very pregnant but don't look hugely pregnant which is a good thing. I can still totally wear my normal winter coat, which while out and about makes me look not pregnant at all. I'll try to take a 28 week picture for a true comparison in a couple weeks, but it is hard to remember to stop and take stock in a 2nd pregnancy!

I do feel like baby brother moves around alot more than Noelle did. Noelle had more big movements and kind of "rolled" around in there. Baby brother gets a bit more kicky and jerky in my opinion. I am curious to see if this will turn into bigger kicks that become painful as he grows. Noelle never gave me a kick or movement that actually hurt me, but I've seen plenty of my friends experience that kind of movement - and oddly enough most of them were pregnant with boys.

We are slowly trying to get the house ready for one more person to be present. We had a great master bedroom re-do which included a more organized closet and just a general "refreshment" of the room. Next in March my mom and dad will come up and get Noelle's big girl room ready and then there will officially be space for baby brother.  

I'm so excited to see him and meet him, and it is also slightly terrifying to imagine life with 2 kids! I am sure that within days to weeks we will forget what life was ever like without him - just like we did with Noelle.

Wish me luck on my glucose test...pray for a tasty flavor of the drink for me!!